
The Path Less Taken

January 23, 2020
The Path Less Taken


This is a new decade. A new decade! Bigger than a new year, which is already a great time to take a moment for introspection. What do you want to achieve? What goals have you set for yourself? There’s not much better in the way of self-improvement that hopping on a bike. The physical and mental push, the moment of zen when deep into a climb, the rush of adrenalin on a steep downhill decent, the feeling of accomplishment and pride when pushing past a previously unconquerable goal. Cycling is more than the physical ride, it’s a personal accomplishment.

At a time of year that the weather may seem to be working against you, find ways to make it work for you. The days are shorter, but that just means we need to fit as much into the hours as possible.

Explore a familiar area in a new way. Dry days in Winter are great for an off-road trail. The dirt is hard, there’s less poison ivy and you can happen upon some great views that you might not be exposed to at times of year with full foliage.

Cold air is cleansing, and wetter days in Winter can actually bring warmer temperatures. Dress in layers and wear clothing that protects you from the elements. Get outside while you can!

And when it’s too cold to enjoy the outdoors, keep up your endurance/stamina indoors. Train at a nearby gym or in your home. Join a spin class. Clean your gear. Reevaluate your cogs. Review your year-end account from Strava. Take the time to realign your goals, make plans for the next year and set some long-term goals for this new decade.

We hope to see you out there!