
Food for Fuel

September 30, 2023
Food for Fuel

At Blackberry, the days are filled with adventures, activities and busy movements of all kinds. Whether we’re setting up for dinner service, prepping for a day full of fitness classes or cycling adventures, or completing day-to-day maintenance of the land, it’s important to fuel the body and keep our energy up. We asked members of our team to share what they enjoy eating when they’re powering up for an eventful day at the Farm or the Mountain.

“Being in grounds, we are constantly moving. I’ve found that the key to keeping momentum and staying energized all day is hydration and high protein items. No matter if it’s cold or hot, dehydration is a main concern to keep at bay. High protein items like eggs with a hearty breakfast to start the day, or an energy Cliff bar to give you that extra boost during the day, are great options when you know you’re going to have a full day.”

Dalton Chaney, Grounds Manager at Blackberry Mountain

“Typically, I like to eat the standard three meals a day and maybe a snack or two during the day for a midday boost. I’ll start with something like a bagel with scrambled eggs and avocado, move into lunch with a turkey breast sandwich with pepperjack cheese, and dinner will be some sort of lean meat (grilled chicken, lean beef or salmon) with high-fiber pasta or a sweet potato. Great snack options are high-energy grabs like cheese, cashews, a fruit blend or my favorite – Nature Valley Oats & Honey granola bars!”

Michael Carroll, Fitness Instructor at Blackberry Mountain

“Honestly, beef jerky is my favorite on-the-go snack! I also love pairing it with a LMNT electrolyte pack to stay hydrated throughout the day. We try to make sure the team is ready for the shift ahead too by providing family meal for everyone who is working. This ensures that everyone is fed and officially ready for the day!”

Kelly Schmidt, Assistant Beverage Director at Blackberry Farm

“I always start my day in the warmer months with filtered water and a pinch of pink Himalayan or Celtic salt to get my hydration started. In the cooler months, I go with homemade ginger "tea". I simply boil slices of ginger for 12 minutes, pour that off and add lemon, honey and cinnamon. I love to pack in my fruits and veggies early in the day as well, so I often do a hydrating smoothie made from spinach or kale, one date, frozen berries, collagen protein powder, powdered maca root, cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne and coconut water. Many of the ingredients are anti-inflammatory, and I feel it starts me off on a good foot for the day. In the cooler months, I choose a hot veggie or bone broth to sip on my way to property.”

Meghan Henley, Wellness Manager at Blackberry Mountain

“Grab and go options like Cliff Bars, bananas or oranges, and electrolyte replacements are great options for someone constantly on the go. Personally, I perform best on a high protein, low carb diet because low carbs provide quick energy that’s needed for the ride, where high protein burns slower and therefore lasts longer. I recommend anyone who is starting out with cycling, or activities that are heavy energy burners, to use a trial-and-error method to find what works best for their bodies. It’s extremely important to learn your body and how it responds to food in different active situations.”

Jeff Knippen, Cycling Manager at Blackberry Farm

The moral of the story? Fuel for your fun (and work)! Find what keeps you energized and hydrated for the day you have planned, and enjoy every bite. When you know you’re in for a session of physical exertion or a long day where you need to stay energized, what’s your go-to fuel?