
Ecstatic Dance

November 3, 2023
Ecstatic Dance

Meant to be a framework that gives you an opportunity to explore, release and play, the Wellness team invites you to explore Ecstatic Dance at the Mountain. Inspired by the work of psychologist and dancer, Gabrielle Roth, Blackberry Mountain instructors thoroughly studied her work, wanting to create a new opportunity for guests to discover more about themselves through movement.

Diving into the philosophy, participants are introduced to the idea that life moves in the five rhythms of ecstatic dance: flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness. Those five rhythms are all around us. Engaging with them through ecstatic dance has become an increasingly popular meditative and therapeutic practice. The different movements are intended to help us process challenges, issues and changes that we’re going through.

Ecstatic dance is not meant to teach anyone how to dance. It’s about what emotions your body’s natural movement inspires and awakens within you and how to move through them. Whether that looks like lying down and releasing some needed tears, standing at the edge of the Yoga Platform and letting out a scream, or throwing your arms out and smiling at the sky, it’s all part of the experience and the freedom you are invited to feel as you express and explore the movement.

When you first arrive to the class at Blackberry Mountain, you’re given a mat as your “home base” for the activity. You can choose to take off your shoes and create a better connection to the earth while you move if you like.

Your instructor begins by giving a general overview of ecstatic dance and where it originated. The most important takeaway is that there is no right or wrong way to go about it. Throughout the class, giggles may erupt, smiles may be exchanged, and other feelings and emotional responses may be awakened. It’s a judgement-free space, we want every participant to fully enjoy it.

The five rhythms and a curated playlist, starting with flow and ending in stillness, will guide you through it.

Flowing is movement invited by the water element, so it is round and wave-like. Think movements that never start or stop, just continue in a flow that feels right. Feel your body stretch and extend in natural, instinctual directions.

Staccato movements are invited by the earth, so movement will be pointed, more angular. Punch the air, stomp your feet or perform quick sudden movements that are immediate responses to what you hear or what you feel. Become aware of the connection between your bare feet and the ground beneath you, the weight that goes into holding your body upright as you’re emitting energy. Feel the friction and connection of your hands as you clap them.

Chaos is the energized movement of fire. You can embrace your energy and the energy you feel moving around you. Connect with your heartbeat, or feel each breath you take as you emit power through your movement.

Lyrical is the element of air. Your instructor may provide props like streamers that rely on fluid and light movements you make with your arms, hands and fingers. There may be a natural breeze occurring allowing you to feel the wind whipping around you the more you move.

Lastly, stillness is the focus on the space between your movements. This phase may feel challenging, coming at the end of rapid, quick and loud movements. But it’s a beautiful exercise in acknowledging the space between your movements, your breaths and the notes of the music. Close your eyes and just breathe, focusing on the rise and fall of your chest with each breath. Focus on your heartbeat slowing back down to a restful state. Hear the wind whistle, the trees rustle.

Ecstatic dance is a journey through the five rhythms, but also an invitation to journey through yourself. What’s most beautiful about this experience is that it’s completely yours, driven by you. We invite you try ecstatic dance.